Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Standing on one foot… can you tell me what Limmud is?
A: Limmud is an internationally popular festival of Jewish life and learning incorporating lectures, workshops, performances, panels, text-study sessions, film, meditation, discussions, exhibits, and performances. Limmud conferences maintain broad appeal within a diverse community. One writer describes, “Limmud conference [is] a creative, collective learning experience that falls somewhere between Burning Man and yeshiva… in 50 communities around the world, from Sydney to Rio and the Galil.”
Q: What does ‘Limmud’ mean?
A: It’s the Hebrew word for ‘learning.’ It’s also the name of Jewish, independent, community run, super-energizing-engaging-thinking-engaging-connecting festivals in cities across the world with shared core values and goals.
Q: What will we experience at a Limmud Miami sessions?
A: Limmud Miami is an all-day experience for Jewish Learning and Exploring. It is set of workshops and presentations where some of the world’s most dynamic Jewish educators, performers and teachers from South Florida and around the world, working in a variety of educational styles—experiential workshops, text-study sessions, film, meditation, discussions, exhibits, performance and more—will present in an experiential buffet. Limmud Miami is diverse, with concurrent tracks ranging across the entire spectrum of Jewish expression. Topics include: Spirituality, Torah, Arts and Culture, World Issues, and Young Limmud (for children and youth).
Q: Who goes to Limmud conferences? Will I fit in? Is it for me?
A: Jews of all stripes, ages, and religious orientations attend – both locally and beyond. Only a small minority of participants work professionally for the Jewish community – most are simply interested in learning. 3-103 years-old are welcome.
Q: Am I too young, frum/religious, unaffiliated, busy, affluent, elderly, athletic, or curmudgeonly to join in on this learning fest?
A: Come on in! Envision all flavors of neighbors learning simultaneously. It’s been seen at national/international Limmud fests that participants marvel at the phenomenon of how welcomed and comfortable participants are. Please join us at the communal party.
Q: Who funds this conference?
A: Limmud Miami is a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Some support comes from admissions paid. Also, some funding comes via contributions from select foundations, institutions, and private funders — those who see the transformative potential of Limmud for our Jewish community. We can all think happy thoughts about the supporters and volunteers who enable the minimal overhead/expenses.
Q: If I’m a volunteer, do I pay admission?
A: Paying a reasonable admission fee reflects a core value of Limmud. And volunteerism is a key feature of the event. Participants are encouraged take an active part in all parts. The hope is that all volunteers participate and all participants volunteer! Scholarship opportunities available: please email info@limmudmiami.org
Q: Who’s actually ‘behind the scenes’?
A: Dream-thinkers and eager worker bees. There are many talented, kind, passionate, and valued people all across South Florida… our comrades-in-arms, volunteering in their spare time. Limmud Miami is organized and run by volunteers. Our conference would not be possible without its volunteers.
Q: Why does the festival cost money if it’s organized by volunteers/participants (a.k.a. ‘volunticipants’)?
A: Who doesn’t like a good deal? Because of this, Limmud operates on the dedication of volunteers and a very small budget. Still, there are some costs involved with putting together a major fiesta like this. Limmud presenters offer sessions pro-bono, however, there are transportation and lodging costs to include national and international presenters. And, there are printing costs. And, rental space costs. And website fees. So, although we’re frugal, we’re not miserly. You get the drift.
Q: Isn’t it just the usual ‘do-gooders’ who step-up to volunteer and help?
A: At Limmuds around the world, volunteering and attending go together. In most cities, a large number of ’Limmudniks’ are both attendees and volunteers. You can, too. It’s as easy as emailing info@limmudmiami.org.
Q: Can you tell me more about childcare and children’s programming… because my children want to come, too.
A: Yes, there is children's programming, for kids over three years old. Free! Included are a series of sessions such as music, art, storytelling and crafts. Family members and Limmudniks of all ages are welcome.
Q: Is my registration transferrable?
A: Yes. You may transfer your pre-paid registration if you are unable to attend the event by notifying us at info@limmudmiami.org no later than 12noon on Friday, February 17, 2017. Please send us complete registration information for the new participant – including email address and phone number. You can also consider making a tax-deductible donation of your registration fee to Limmud Miami if you are unable to attend the event.
Q: What about teen involvement?
A: Everyone is invited to join any session of their interest and choice.
Q: Most importantly, will there be food and beverages available? (And for ‘tribe’ members who keep strictly cholev yisrael kosher, what can be expected?)
A: Of course! Certified Kosher snacks and beverages are provided. Kosher lunch will be available and/or you may bring your own food to enjoy at your leisure.
Q: Sign-me up! But, how do I do that?
A: Online here! http://limmudmiami.org/register/
Q: Wow. I’m so impressed. Does the non-profit take donations? Will it assist students and others to attend and expand their Jewish journeys?
A: Yes. You can give help or get help here. http://limmudmiami.org/donate/
Q: What if I have more… questions, suggestions, feedback, shout-outs of support and encouragement?
A: Contact our friendly, local worker-bees here: info@limmudmiami.org